[Natural Health Secrets] Episode 27: 10 Recommended Body Cleansing Programs

Published on July 13, 2018 by Spooky2 Videos

Natural Health Secrets

The Third recommendation, apply simultaneously all other body cleansing programs like vegetable juicing, probiotic foods, immune – boosting supplements, prayer and other. In this video, we will fully focus on the 10 most effective programs that are beneficial to us:
1. The Gerson Therapy
2. The Budwig Protocol
3. Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy
4. Vitamin C Chelation
5. Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy
6. Probiotic Foods and Supplements
7. Sunshine and Vitamin D3
8. Turmeric and Curcumin
9. Oxygen Therapy and Hyperbaric Chambers
10. Prayer and Building Peace


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