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This video will show you how to use Baseline feature in Spooky2 software. Baseline feature is available for software version 20190116 and above.
Hardware part:
First, connect Spooky2 generator to your generator using USB cable.
Then connect the power adapter to the generator.
Put the slides in Sample Digitizer.
Please notice that NO sample is put in Baseline.
For TENS scan, stick two pads together.
Now, connect Sample Digitizer to G1 or G2 in GeneratorX.
Turn on GeneratorX.
Software part:
After the connection, open Spooky2 software.
Go to Presets tab, click /Biofeedback and choose the preset according to your scan device.
Go to Control tab, tick “Overwrite Generator”.
Click “Baseline” button in the biofeedback scan panel.
Wait a few seconds, and a baseline is created when you see this light turns green.
Now, you can do the actual scan.
Put the sample in the Sample Digitizer.
Click “scan” to start your biofeedback scan.
1. This feature can’t be used in Pulse scan.
2. Don’t change any parameters after Baseline.
Welcome to comment below if you have any questions!
Should I put distilled water in slides of Sample Digitizer for baseline?
Hello, my friend. You don’t have to put anything in the slide of Sample Digitizer.
Hello, on the software version I am running, there is a checkbox for “Baseline before BFB”, which I checked. In this video the software does not appear to have this feature. I assume that this should be unchecked prior to running the actual BFB scan? Thanks much in advance! J
Hello, you can check the checkbox for “Baseline before BFB”, it will help improve the accuracy of your biofeedback results. For more details you can check this blog:
What is the purpose of creating a baseline? how does that help our scans?
I think the only reason one would need to do a baseline scan is if they are in an environment that is polluted with electromagnet smog like in a house with a lot of electronic stuff like smart meters, wifi motors running, etc. I have my Spooky2 set up in an RV that is isolated except for an extension cord to run the Spooky2 equipment. So I don’t bother to do a baseline scan. But I sometimes wonder if the Spooky2 equipment also creates its own electromagnet smog that interferes with the scan.
How long should a baseline scan take?
The baseline before scan basically runs the BFB twice, identifying any interference freqs, so 20 min sounds about right.
Is it advisable to run a Baseline scan every time the slides are changed? Or when moving to a different location?
Hello David, we recommend that one need to do a baseline scan if they are in an environment that is polluted with electromagnet smog like in a house with a lot of electronic stuff like smart meters, wifi motors running, etc.