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This video will show you how to do a Full System Scan.
Connect the power adapter. Then connect the USB cable.
Now, connect Spooky2 boost to the generator. Twist to lock it.
Connect the tens cable to the high power port. Twist to lock the cable. The other side connects to tens pads.
Now, let’s connect Spooky2 pulse. Here we use Spooky2 Pulse ear clip option.
First connect the pulse to the computer. The pulse must be connected to the computer, or the scan results would be inaccurate. Then we connect the ear clip. If you have ear holes on your ears, you can use a finger clip. Okay, now we connect tens pads. Stick tens pads to the right wrist and left ankle like this.
Turn on your generator.
Now, let’s go to spooky2 software. Please double click the spooky2 icon to start spooky2 software. It will take a few minutes to load the database.
On the control tab, there is a square button that has number 3, it means that spooky2 software found the spooky2 XM generator.
Back to the preset tab, please choose Biofeedback scan–Spooky2 Pulse–General–General Purpose Full System Scan (C) (R) – JW
Then go to the control tab, tick “ overwrite generator “ and click the generator button.
Finally, click the scan button to start spooky2 biofeedback scan. There is a 30 heartbeat delay.
There is a 30 heartbeat delay which will give you time to restore calm. The graph is moving and it means everything is working correctly.
The scan result will pop up when the biofeedback scan is complete. Please click the save button and you will see this window show up. Put a name to help you recognize this program.
You could also add some descriptions here. Now click this button to save the program. Go to the Programs tab, untick all databases and tick only “BFB”, and you can see the program you just saved here.
After a biofeedback scan, you can use contact mode, remote mode, and plasma mode to run the scan result.
In the video, we will run the results by spooky2 remote. So we disconnect the TENS Pads, and connect Spooky2 Remote. Don’t forget to put DNA samples in the Remote. Now, go to the Presets tab, choose a preset to run the scan results. I run it in Remote mode, so I click /shell (Empty) Presets /Remote /Killing (R) – JW. Go to the Programs tab, choose the program you just saved. Go to the Control tab, tick “Overwrite Generator” and click your generator port. Click “Start” to start Rifing.
Thanks for watching this video.
#spooky2 #rifemachine #rifefrequency
Is it important to use the Boost on High Power or can the contact be put directly in the Out1 port?
Hello Marian, both are ok.
I am running a Biofeedback scan on my husband. How long should it take? It has been running for over an hour. and when I selected the generator, it only had 4 not 3. Does that matter? Thanks
Hello Laura, if you feel confused about the time of using scan, please check this link: https://www.spooky2support.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041751333-Why-does-it-takes-so-long-to-do-Pulse-scan-
And it doesn’t matter when your generator is detected with a different number by your computer. It will not always be the same as is shown in our video.