How to Run Sample Digitizer Hunt and Kill Preset Using Remote

Published on April 16, 2019 by Spooky2 Videos

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This video we will show you how to run Hunt and Kill Preset using Spooky2 Sample Digitizer and Spooky2 Remote. This video is for software version November 8, 2018 and above.

This preset begins with a short biofeedback scan. The hits are then run on an allocated generator. In the subsequent scan/run cycles, the previous hits are re-analyzed. Pathogens which are mutated are found and hit again. It does not matter how far the pathogens run. They will be found. And they will become targets. This preset keeps refining the first scan results and runs automatically until it is manually stopped or no hits are detected.

NOTE: We need to put DNA samples in the Spooky2 Remote.



  • Barbara Silano 6 years ago

    Omg, I can’t understand your English! This video is so hard to follow!

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Sorry, Barbara. You can click settings/translate, it will help you understand a lot.

  • Sheila Alexander 6 years ago

    I understood this video better as she starts by saying she is going to choose settings for Gen2 first. In another video ‘how to run Sample Digitizer Scan and Run Preset using …..’ , I found it difficult to decide which generator she was dealing with.
    I’m completely new to this technology and I know you’re all way up there but I really, really appreciate baby steps to help me in my grasp of things.
    Thank you for everything you’re doing to help,

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion, Sheila. We will improve this video as quickly as possible. We are always there to help you step by step.

  • Mary Ellen Sargent 6 years ago

    This may be a dumb question, but are we do put a fingernail in the remote? It wasn’t mentioned and I didn’t want to assume anything!

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Yes, Mary. You need to put your fingernail in the remote and your blood, urine, saliva or grind your fingernail into powder in sample digitizer.

  • Steven Fensler 6 years ago

    If my blood is in the digitizer and a fingernail is in the remote and I run a kill preset is the kill program killing the frequencies in the blood sample or my body? If when The system does a rescan of the blood sample are the frequencies in the blood sample gone. How are the bad pathogens in the body that have moved rescanned ?

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Hi, Steven. If your blood is in the digitizer and a fingernail is in the remote, the digitizer will scan your blood and apply frequencies to your fingernail, continue refining hits can continuously scan and run hits. Set repeat chain can repeat the scan results indefinitely.

  • Frank 6 years ago

    I followed the instructions exactly as the video shows.

    The biofeedback scan is still running after 2 hours and yet to get results.

    Please advise.

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      It’s normal, Frank. Hunt&Kill preset begins with a short biofeedback scan. The hits are then run on an allocated generator. In the subsequent scan/run cycles, the previous hits are re-analyzed. Pathogens which are mutated are found and hit again. It does not matter how far the pathogens run. They will be found. And they will become targets. This preset keeps refining the first scan results and runs automatically until it is manually stopped or no hits are detected.

  • Asrael 6 years ago

    i find no where in your Quick Guide about attaching the remote with finger nails when running the sample digitizer! Why? page 55 & 56

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Hello my friend, this video tells about how to run sample Digitizer Hunt and Kill preset Using Remote, you can use your fingernail but you have to shatter it into powder, you can use urine, saliva, blood and biological samples as the samples. Do not allow the tissue sample to dry. Replace the sample every day.

  • Jenny Grover 6 years ago

    I am doing the above Hunt&Kill GenX program for the first time, using blood & a finger nail as per the instructions. I am intrigued to know which pathogens are being killed, which pathogens have been lurking in my body & causing me issues. Is there a way to find this out please?
    I would love to know & I am not squeamish: I can take it oK
    That would be brilliant to me
    Many Thanls

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Hello my frind, during the Hunt&Kill GenX, There will not pop out the frequency list in the control tab, but if you do General Biofeedback Scan, it will pop out the precise frequency list,Thank you!

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Hello Jenny, First of all, Biofeedback Scan can not diagnose, but it could find the exact frequencies your body needs. Secondly, when you run Hunt and Kill preset, there will be no frequency list popping up. But you could see all frequencies running in the panel of Control tab. If you want to see the scan results and save them, you could run General Biofeedback Scan (SD) – JW.

  • Jenny Grover 6 years ago

    I am doing the above Hunt&Kill GenX program for the first time, using blood & a finger nail as per the instructions. I am intrigued to know which pathogens are being killed, which pathogens have been lurking in my body & causing me issues. Is there a way to find this out please?
    I would love to know & I am not squeamish: I can take it oK
    That would be brilliant to me
    Many Thanks

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Hello my frind, during the Hunt&Kill GenX, There will not pop out the frequency list in the control tab, but if you do General Biofeedback Scan, it will pop out the precise frequency list,Thank you!

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      Spooky2 Videos 6 years ago

      Hello Jenny, First of all, Biofeedback Scan can not diagnose, but it could find the exact frequencies your body needs. Secondly, when you run Hunt and Kill preset, there will be no frequency list popping up. But you could see all frequencies running in the panel of Control tab. If you want to see the scan results and save them, you could run General Biofeedback Scan (SD) – JW.

  • Ryan 5 years ago

    I can’t get a liquid sample, all I have is a solid sample. How do I proceed? Can I use a solid sample?

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      Spooky2 Videos 5 years ago

      Hello, Ryan, you can use your fingernail as the sample. Hope this will help you.

  • Bette 5 years ago

    Could the results from using sample digitizer with remote then be used with Phonotron Plazma?

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      Spooky2 Videos 5 years ago

      Hello, Bette, since you have run the hunt and kill preset, you don’t have to use plasma again. If you do general biofeedback scan, you can use plasma to run the results.

  • Robin Coventry 5 years ago

    What is hunt and kill hunting? What is it looking for and what is it getting rid of?

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      Spooky2 Videos 5 years ago

      Hunt&Kill preset begins with a short biofeedback scan. The hits are then run on an allocated generator. In the subsequent scan/run cycles, the previous hits are re-analyzed. Pathogens which are mutated are found and hit again. It does not matter how far the pathogens run. They will be found. And they will become targets. This preset keeps refining the first scan results and runs automatically until it is manually stopped or no hits are detected.

  • Cesar Garcia 4 years ago

    Is there a time limit to run this program? Can it be repeated every day?

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      Spooky2 Videos 4 years ago

      Hello Cesar, this Preset is associated with biofeedback scan and when we use Remote to do a scan, it is recommended that we do it every three to seven days.

  • Nancy 4 years ago

    When I run this as it shows, it has been killing for over 24 hours without re-running the biofeedback scan. Is this right or did I miss something. Also, running the program with this method took a few hours for the sample to run the bfb. Can I run the fast scan or will it not work as well.

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      Spooky2 Videos 4 years ago

      Hello, could you please check one more time? Have you chosen Remote-Killing and Biofeedback-Hunt and Kill Preset together? As you mentioned, it has been killing for over one day without a Biofeedback scan, so maybe you have missed this step.
      Also, you could try the fast scan, and welcome to share with us your further experience!

  • Gordon 4 years ago

    Excellent presentation: Your english is perfect, very clear, minimum words describe procedure perfectly.
    I wish I could present this way, english is my 1st language.
    Going try sample digitizer next
    BC, Canada

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      Spooky2 Videos 4 years ago

      Hello Gordon, thanks for your kind words! We will keep on making better videos in the near future 🙂

  • Petra Csukardy 4 years ago

    Thank you very much for these clear easy to follow instructions. I have one question though: at 5.06 in the video it shows the control panel
    – the number at Initial Step Size % is .125%.
    On my screen it is .025%
    Do I need to change it to .125?

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      Spooky2 Videos 4 years ago

      Hello Petra, if you are new to scan, we recommend that you could follow our steps and change the Initial Step Size to 125%. And any further questions, please let us know by contacting our support team:


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