How to Find the Strength of Colloidal Silver

Published on December 27, 2019 by Spooky2 Videos

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This video will show you how to find the strength of colloidal silver.

It’s hard to find the strength of CS. People often use a TDS meter. However, colloidal silver is silver particles that are suspended in solution – only silver ions are dissolved. So TDS meters will only measure the ionic silver strength, not the colloidal strength.

You can check the PPM of your colloidal silver from Colloidal/Ionic Silver Calculator in Utils menu. After the program is finished, you will get the colloidal silver with the PPM you desired.

How do you know whether your colloidal silver is successful? You can use a laser to shine into the colloidal silver. If the colloidal silver is ready, you will see a bright laser beam like this. Ionic silver has no beam since it has no silver solids in suspension to reflect the light – because silver ions dissolve.



  • Barbara Silano 5 years ago

    My colloidal silver I make with my GX does not stay suspended, I do get a red line using the laser but after sitting for a while I get no line. I have to shake the bottle then I will get a line again. I this normal?

  • Barbara Silano 5 years ago

    Also, I almost forgot to say that when I go to the programs tab and put in the dwell multiplier I need using the calculator in the Utils tab my solution when it is supposed to be done it never ever has a red line from the laser and I usually run it again. It’s so frustrating because I only have one GX and two
    XM machines and it takes a lot of time from using it for my illnessses.


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