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In this video, port 4 corresponds to G2, port 5 correponds to G1.
GX changes the rules for biofeedback entirely. A biofeedback scan which takes an hour with Spooky Pulse now takes just over 4 minutes. Even less if you do not need to measure both current and phase angle. No more sitting (or lying) down forever, waiting for a biofeedback scan to complete. GX uses state-of-the-art components and ingenious circuit design to accurately monitor the current and phase angle of signals all the way up to 40 MHz. So you can really see what is happening in your body.
This is the best video that i have seen!
Thank you for your support. We will make persistent efforts.
This is awesome!
Thank you for your support. We will make persistent efforts.
very well done, good visual and undertanding,, thanks for the nice work,,
Thank you for your support, Monik Gagnon.
Very thoroughly explaination! Great Video!! 🙏
why do you add two remotes. do you put dna in both
Dear beulah bonugli, when you run your scan results(killing program), it is better to run Detox program(healing program) – Terrain program. We must put DNA in both Remote.
Thanks for the video. Very easy to understand. Does that mean we do not need to use spooky Pulse to do the scan anymore? Thanks for your help. Also could you do a video for the Gen X grade option. Thanks
Dear Kevin, this doesn’t mean we do not need to use Spooky2 Pulse to do the scan anymore. Because when grading via the Pulse, baseline does not change and you can get good data from grading those two frequencies. Never mind that grading is better the more data you feed it. Click here for more information: Here is a video for how to do a GX grade scan:
I have done the scan. But I do not see killing in the presents tab. Has this been removed with the last software update? If so what should I select? Thank you.
Hi, Chris. It’s under Shell (Empty) presets/contact/killing. If it’s not there, please download the newest software:
Thank you
I did exactly what the video did re the scan, but at the end of the scan the program didnt show a window with all the hits, it just listed all the hits in the window we see normally and started running them. I went to the BFB settings and there was nothing…it hadn’t been saved. I’m running the latest version of this system. Any ideas ? Thanks
Can you do a video that shows us how to do a Grade Scan on the GX
Hello my friend, we do have such a video, you can click the link here to get more info:
Hello my friend, you can click the link here to get more information: thank you!
cette vidéo me semble tres bien, mais si on pouvait l’avoir en français ce serait mieux
Bonjour mon ami, nous avons un guide sur Comment faire un scan biofeedback Generatorx en français, vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ici pour plus de détails
Cette video me parait bien mais si on pouvait l’avoir en français ce serait parfait
Bonjour mon ami, nous avons un guide sur Comment faire un scan biofeedback Generatorx en français, vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ici pour plus de détails
After you do the biofeedback scan and the killing/detox— what next? Do you repeat the treatment — kill/detox daily for a period of days? Put. It on loop for a week? Just run it once and do another biofeedback the next day? Thanks
Hello, it depends on what frequencies you choose to use. Central: once a day for 4 days. Contact: once a day for 7 days. Remote: nonstop for a week. Hope it will help you.
How does the remote can do a treatment if nothing is attached to your body ?
I understand that u can do a scan using remote DNA or Tens . I understand that , then you can run a Treatment program base on biofeedback scan results with TENs , they are still attached to your body , ( you said before for 7 days) but how how is it possible to run a remote treatment ( you said nonstop) nothing is attached to your body to feed you frequency ?
What did I miss? Please explain.
Hello Inna. Albert Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.” Modern physics calls it “quantum entanglement.” Simply put, it means that if any part of a single system is removed from that system to a different location, any action performed on the part will also be instantaneously performed on the parent system, and vice versa.
Your fingernails are part of a single system – that system is you. So when frequency energy is transmitted to your nails, its effects will also be transmitted to you – and only you, because of the unique identifier present in every cell of your body. Your DNA. For more information about remote mode you could check this link:
Boy on some areas there is an strong accent and I did not understand it
How can I find out what conditions my frequency hits are? Thanks
Hello Gemma, during a biofeedback scan, GeneratorX records how the electrical signal behaves. A brief change in the electrical pattern shows that a hit was detected.
How long do I run the program??? How do I know if it is working? I am working on my dog. Will another bio scan show the improvements?? And the healing?? Thank you!
It just takes 6 minutes to do a GX TENS scan and you can do something you want. With GeneratorX, it records how the electrical signal behaves. If there’s a resonance for a pathogen in your body, a brief change in the electrical pattern shows that a hit was detected. The final result will be a list of frequencies that can be saved as a set and used to deal with the problem effectively because now you have the right frequencies. You’ve found the truth. Without taking out a second mortgage.
How do I run a baseline scan?
Hello Mel. Please kindly click this link to find more details about baseline scan:
I want to run a remote biofeedback scan. Is the digitizer the only way to do this? And how accurate is the digitizer compared to the other methods like TENS pads?
Thank you
Hello Shawn, the result of the sample scan is accurate, owing to the high ratio of pathogens within the sample. Spooky2 Sample Digitizer is better suited than TENS scans for finding pathogens in your body. If you want to do a BFB scan, the digitizer remote scan is not the only way to do a scan. Here is a detailed introduction of our BFB scan:
Okay thank you.
In order to do the remote biofeedback scans, do I have to use the sample digitizer? Or can I do remote biofeedback scans with just generator and spooky2 remote?
Yes, this kind of scan is called digitizer remote scan. So we also need to use the sample digitizer. Here is an introduction to it, please take a look:
Hi! Can I do a genx biofeedback scan with the tens kit gloves or socks? Would Left sock and Right glove work well? Or do i need tens pads?
Hello, yes you could do gx scan with tens kit. It doesn’t matter. Tens kit is more convienient than tens pads, and it all depends on your needs.